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Hi! I'm Jodie Intuitive Mentor , Expert Channel & Eternal Optimist  Nice To Meet You!
"I'm here to help you learn to trust and
be guided by your own 
divine connection."

As an Intuitive Mentor, I connect with you to help create a positive, balanced lifestyle through self-awareness, self-love and intuitive practices. I have a straightforward approach to being the best possible version of myself and offer the same to others through my programs and services. 


"We are all striving for a sense of balance and self-understanding on this journey.

My mission is to provide you with insight and guidance so you can step into your own inner power,

and work with your inner light to create a healthy and happy life that you love."


In 2014, my perspective massively shifted, and my life took a turn down a brand new, undiscovered, magical kind of path. I started hearing and seeing things that, well, freaked me out! But, as I chose to learn more about what I was experiencing, I realized it was nothing to be afraid of...actually quite the opposite.


When I truly began to trust the guidance I was being given, stopped thinking so much about it, and allowed myself to be lead instead, my life took on a whole new purpose. Ever since then, I have been professionally channeling guidance and insight, and am grateful to have served thousands of people. It is an honor to connect and share with those that have a willingness to dive in and uncover their true, authentic nature, love themselves more, and practice doing the absolute best they can every single day. My job is to serve you by connecting the physical and spiritual worlds in the most practical way possible, and to provide clarity, peace and understanding in even the most challenging life experiences and situations. 


"We can all make small changes that lead to big results.

We can all take responsibility for what we have control over.

We can all change our thoughts and change our life experience. 

By continuing to learn and grow, we create a positive world of evolution.

It all starts with you." 

Feel free to explore my current offerings and services including: Personal Readings, Evolve Membership, and Session Booking. Embrace the power of astrology, gain personalized insights, and join a community dedicated to personal growth and transformation.


I’ll be looking forward to connecting with you soon!

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©2025 : The Spirit Experience  All Rights Reserved.       

Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is for informational purposes only and based on Jodie's personal and professional experience. This website is intended to offer insight  and guidance for your overall well-being and does not in any way constitute medical, legal, tax or financial advice. Any information or advice given by Jodie, is not to be used by you in place of any medical, legal, tax or financial advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals in those fields. 

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