Most of us think that judgment is simply bad and we should avoid it all costs. We have heard, seen and experienced the effects of negative judgment and do not want any part of it. So we place judgment in the shouldn’t box. We shouldn’t judge ourselves, we shouldn’t judge others, and we shouldn’t judge situations and circumstances that are happening outside of our control. But, what if there was a good kind of judgment that served us positively?
Well, it turns out there is, and we need to be able to use it in order to make the best possible decisions for ourselves as we move through life. Without good judgment, we would be left stuck and frustrated, not knowing what to do next.
The good kind of judgment is a reality-based understanding of what is being presented to you in your life right now. It means being able to observe yourself as a unique individual as well as being able to observe yourself as a minute part of a much bigger whole. If and when you are able to come from a place of balance with your inner and outer selves, and utilize your ability to judge from there, you will more easily stay aligned with your intuition and true nature. This is the kind of judgment that keeps you grounded on your divine path, helps you elevate to higher levels of being, and guides you to move in the right direction.
The bad kind of judgment is singular, and operates from a false sense of reality. It is the determination of the happenings and experiences in your life through only your perspective. If you are forming opinions and making comparisons from an “I” place, you keep yourself restricted and small. Your perception of yourself, others, and events is valid when combined with an empathetic bigger view of the world. Bad judgment can also show up in the form of negative self-imposed thoughts and statements. Reiterating false judgments of yourself can be extremely damaging to your spirit, and usually stem from past conditioning or repetitive negative experiences.
When judgment is directed only by the mind it causes separation, isolation and exclusion. It can lead to feeling controlled, limited, defeated and unworthy. Living your life guided by a false sense of reality pulls you away from your divine self, and places emphasis and praise on chasing people and things that are disconnected from your purpose.
When judgment is directed in balance by the heart and the mind, it results in a more positive life experience. It allows for common sense and compassion in decision-making. It opens you up to a higher perspective so you can more easily recognize the difference between what is best for you and the greater good, and what is not serving you and the bigger whole. Making judgments that take into consideration your individuality as well as your anonymity help guide you to navigate your life freely and authentically.
Becoming aware of how and why we’re judging ourselves and the world around us is an important point of consciousness. Judgment is necessary for us to discern what is going to benefit and help, and what is going to harm or hurt. We need to step into our ability to make decisions based on observation and objective information to come to sensible conclusions that shape ourselves and our world positively.
~ Jodie
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