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Inspiration - Tapping In To Elevate

Writer's picture: Jodie Silva-PoorJodie Silva-Poor

We all feel uninspired sometimes. Feeling blocked, low, or stuck is part of the ebb and flow of energy, life, and the human condition.

Inspiration simplified has two parts:

1. A source of reception or taking something in, in order to understand differently or gain a new perspective.

2. An action that generates a creative result, or going and doing something as a result of being inspired.

There, of course, is the opposite end of the spectrum for everything, and inspiration is no exception. Yes, you can be positively and negatively inspired. The goal is always to seek inspiration for positive and uplifting purposes, and that’s what I’ll be focusing on here.

There are also times when inspiration may seem to pop up magically. You may find yourself looking around wondering where that delightful feeling or idea came from. There are no mistakes, and your Spirit Team is always at work sooo…

The question becomes…

Do you have to wait for inspiration to magically appear, and are you at the mercy of divine happenings? OR can you tap Into inspiration all on your own?

The answer is a combination...

You do not need to wait for The Universe to inspire you, yet you shouldn’t discount those magical happenings. You are never alone. You must take action to bring about inspiration, but you are doing that with the help of Your Spirit Team. You are being lead as you discover what inspires you.


Here are a few ways to tap into inspiration and jump start your creativity:

Face Your Fear

Fear does not need to be this insurmountable feat. Where fear exists you are blocked, and when you open up and engage the fear, you will gain a new perspective that can be super inspiring, and lead you in a completely new and magnificent direction.

Explore Within

As you dive into your past and understand yourself better, as you look at where you are and take responsibility for your choices, as you think about your future and what you want to become, you’ll be engaging your Spirit Team and on a track for elevation, higher vibration and revelations. What’s more inspiring than that?!?

Look Outside

This is probably the most obvious way to seek inspiration, but should not be discounted. Outside sources like the stories of others, art, music, writing, and reading vibrate potently with inspiration. If you want to be creative and inspired, seek to connect to the high and illuminated vibration coming from external sources.

If you’re looking to be motivated and inspired you can’t give up on yourself. Feel the hope that exists for your future. Stay connected to your Spirit Team. You’re always working together to allow awareness of what is needed for your highest good right now. Pay attention, and stay open to receiving. Communicate and be an open channel. Try new tactics and listen for guidance. Inspiration is everywhere!

~ Jodie

Learn more about Inspiration: Facing Fear, Exploring Within, and Looking Outside on the Evolve Monthly Topic Page. Become an Evolve Member for Exclusive Access to Extended Videos, Audio’s and Exercises

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