The beauty of being a human is that you get to make choices, and although this may seem like a massive, unwanted challenge sometimes, it’s really where all of our power is accessed. There are very few things we have control over despite what our mind may be telling us. That’s why it’s so important for us to recognize, not only what we can control, but also, what may lead us away from those powerful points of choice.
As you move through your daily life experience, you will inevitably encounter many sources that will provide you a chance to be guided by your mind and your human conditioning. This is not a bad thing, it’s a life thing… it’s a human thing. The best thing you can do as a spiritual being residing in a human form is practice awareness.
If you are not aware, you are willingly giving up your power to consciously choose, and willingly giving up control.
Becoming aware is a gift to yourself and those around you. It means you are now paying attention to the subtleties happening around you. That which used to be insignificant becomes honored as a message, sign or insight. Awareness offers an opportunity for you to choose with intention as often and as specifically as you’d like.
Practice awareness when engaging with these common sources that can take from your power to choose by pulling you out of your soul center and into your mind:
Other people’s stories/experiences/emotions
Electronics - tv/phone/computer
Negative affirmations/self-talk/conditioning
Work or Home tasks/projects/deadlines
Scheduled timelines/appointments/commitments
All of the sources listed above are simply opportunities for you to practice awareness and make conscious decisions for your highest good.
When faced with making the choice to give of yourself, your time, and your energy, always check in with your intuition first. Make sure you are aware of what you are choosing to engage in, have a “yes” from your inner self, and set clear and positive intentions for yourself and all involved. Giving too much without consciously receiving will eventually leave you feeling empty, depleted, powerless, and out of control.
The balanced exchange of energy is necessary. To continue to make the choice to give, you must also make the choice to receive.
Part of being in control of your life is acknowledging that you really don’t have much control at all. The divine source and the large part it plays in orchestrating, providing, and delivering perfectly timed events, experiences and opportunities is arguably the most important truth to fully understand and accept. No matter how much you want something to happen, meticulously plan for it to happen, spend all your time and energy setting it up to happen, the divine source and the powers that be can stop it, detour it, rearrange it, and so on, and there’s nothing you can do about it, but come back to your power to choose in the moment.
Leave space for the divine to line things up. Make room for the universal magic to manifest. Feeling in control is about consciously choosing when we have the opportunity to do so, and consciously choosing to let go, surrender, trust and have faith all the other times.
~ Jodie